Ho Swee Kakis :D

Wee leng
Zhao hong
Jian Zhong
Jian sheng
Hong hui
Location-,Bukit Ho Swee!
http://hosweekaki.blogspot.com/ - my blog



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Friday, November 13, 2009
Hello all, have not been posting for very long, busying with O level, finally ended today. Now i'll have more time to play/train/watch soccer with all the hoswee kakis!!

Zhao Hong asked me to give comments on our squad, but because of time constraint,i shall only talk about only some selected players only !!

Firstly, let me start of with our captain (:
Zhaohong : What i think of him is that he has the skills and the sight/awareness of what to do on the pitch. HOWEVER, as what everyone agree on, he lack of the speed/size which only height is insufficient. Speed/size is very important to overcome opponents on the pitch,purely depending on skills isn't enough. So train on your fitness.

Honghui: I think he is very good in assisting goals in pitch.he often make wonderful through passes which helped his teammates to score goals. But,i feel that is 1-touch is sometimes too hard that he lose possession on the ball. Thus,i think it is important for him to train on his control. Usually wingers do assist opportunities by crossing in from the sides,but he rarely cross the ball.

WeeKiat: He is good in giving accurate passes to his team mates in the center. He is also a good dribbler that can pass his opponents easily. But,sometimes he overdo it and he ended up losing possession of the ball. And i noticed he rarely attempt to receive high balls. As an attacking midfielder, it is his role to create offense in the team, but he is lacking the aggressiveness to bring the team to attack.

Edward: A extremely important central back which our team rely greatly on, he give commands at the defence and make sure everything is right. He is determined and always never give up during matches despite his fatigue. However,he should not push himself too much sometimes,that he is taking a few players position in the game,this will reduce his fatigue during
matches. A team game is about teamwork,not taking all the responsibility all alone.

JianZhong: Another important player that is always covering up loopholes at the defence, he reduce the load on the defence significantly. Always push himself till the very last until getting cramps himself. However,he should train to tackle his opponents well cause only pressurizing the opponents is not expected of what a defensive midfielder.

Please do not take to heart for the weakness of yourself,learn from it,instead of arguing. 'ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS' ! Show me your true capability, i know you all can do it !

By: Mr Goh Jian Sheng (11)

11:21 PM

Monday, September 21, 2009

Formation and Some Important Points on the upcoming friendly game in Nov.

This is an oportunity for many players to gain composure and trust among your teammates as well as trying out new formations and positions. Win or Lose dosen't really matter for this upcoming game but i want everyone to play for at least a win or draw. The substitutes planned for this game is for players who are playing the first 11 have a longer time to rest for the next half and also allowing players who dosen't gt much time on the pitch a chance to play. Certain changes will be made as things goes.

-Gary must overlap Jian Sheng often. (Js Still inexperience)

-Jian Zhong must cover Gary's postion if he attacks/Jian Zhong overlap Jian Sheng if Gary's tired

-Wee Kiat move down if Hong Hui attack( Not to hong Hui's Original Position, just move down.)

-Jian Zhong TRY TO (not really necessary) move to centre mid if Wee Kiat move down


Last 20 mins of first half - Jian Zhong -- Dylan

Last 15 mins of first half - Eugene -- Wee Leng

Last 10 mins of first half - Kah Wee -- Arthur
Gary -- Jonathan

More subs will be made as things goes..

I hope this time the team will work as one and i don't wna see anyone of us scolding each other for the mistakes we make, i only wna see edward commanding the team and more importantly encourage one another during the game.

10:53 PM

What i am saying is based on how i think about the team. I will cut short and be more direct. Hope you guys wont be offended and accept it openly.
I find that we ourselves, does not play like any of the famous soccer players because we ARE NOT! Each player has his own potential skills and tactics, and we need time to unleash our power.

Yes. I admit that at times he is a great keeper. However isit being a keeper should only know how to save a ball, neglecting basis skills such as passing, goal kick, etc.. I find that at times he is too arrogant, and only know how to boost on interests that he finds himself better than others (eg. such as always challenging penalty kick with us. he always say that what happens if opponents are rewarded with penalty?) However, did he ever think of training other skills? So is he trying to refer that the frequency of taking goal kick is lesser than penalty? I find that he is lack of determination and perseverance, and tends to use excuses to cover away his weaknesses. He should really be self-motivated and lose down ALOT! in order to increase his agility. We as friends had done what we could, pushing him.

2) Gary
a. I personally feel that he sometimes tend to be quite solo and dribble all his way. When come to situation whereby he finds his opponent is not up to his expectation / standard, he will not have the 100% commitment to play with others. However if the game is about to lose, he will throw his temple towards his teammates and pushing all the blame on one if he finds that the game played is not according to his wish. At times, he always show negative attitudes to opponents if he finds that they play very rough or some underhand and will find trouble back to others. Have you ever think of the feelings for other players? Please respect others. Will you wish that because of you, we lose the mood of playing the game? Soccer can be rough at times, if you find that you are not satisfied with them, settle it in the court and not by fist.

He got the speed but lack of stamina and therefore should train up more. Guys who have played basketball with him should have noticed that his skill in basketball is really excellent and good. It is because he chooses to put in more of his time on basketball rather than soccer. He will be steadier if we ask him to play basketball than soccer therefore the time he spent training with us are very little. Should i say that his interest and passion is much more towards basketball is more than soccer? His heading is kinda attacking rather than defensive; i think that he should amend to it. Being a center back, he should be firm at all times and know when to mark his opponent at the appropriate time.

He is big in size but does not use it. His strong leg allows him to kick powerful clearance shot but not able to aim and control the direction the ball that should go to. He should be more flexible when playing, learning how to communicate with us and more skills on center back position. I believe that you yourselves know your own weakness therefore i will not mention it anymore. Just hope that you will find you own solution to it.

5)Zhao Hong
He got the height but does not use it. He lack of the speed, size and stamina. Things that can be make changes please do so. Sometimes, i find that if possible don’t always stay on top but to come back support more often. I find that you know alot of great tactics on the field but you did not manage to apply it into practical. please take note of it. If possible, please guide others what are some of the ways that can be amend.

A deaf player that i ever seen. You should really open up your eyes and ears, not solo at times. you will know how to praise your skills but do you ever realise that you always squeeze you way through the defenders and score a goal. So should the praising be coming out from your mouth? Team mates who are beside you shouted at you, somehow you did not catch a word from us. You must learn how to control the ball and first touch it very well. Do not always plays speed against the opponent, you are not a marathon runner on the field.

7)Hong Hui
Quite an okay player. But i find that you should learn to control and have the first touch better. You got the body therefore try to use it more often.

Being a CB, i find that you should guide and give command to others because you are more experience and have a better vision in the field.

A success player will never be afraid of being comment =)
Quote by JAYZEE.

*there are more changes.

5:58 AM

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hello everyone, i m here to revive the blog.

I m going to talk about the progress about our soccer performances so far and also the review of the whole team. Edward have a draft in the blog reviewing about all the players but he is only halfway done so here i am doing my own review while waiting for Edward to finish his.

Okay first lets talk about the team in general, hmm we played 2 games so far against the ite and we improved quite alot from the 2nd match. I have previously disscussed abt that match the other day with kahwee and he gave us some advice about how our team can improve.


· Discipline

This is something we really need to improve.
Firstly, we need to improve on the simplest of things
And that is punctuality. We are always late for matches
Or some of us are late for soccer meetings. This is very bad
The ones that always suffer from this are those who always turn
Up on time. They always end up waiting very long for those who
Are late. I mean its okay to be late for say, 5-15 mins? But that's really
Not the case here.When i mean late it means very very late.
Those on time will waste alot of time waiting for those late comers.
A very good example is lets say we are meeting 830 in the morning.
We are suppose to wake up earlier to prepare and not waking up at 825/830
Or worst still only wake up upon hearing our phone calls. This really frustrates those
Who are always on time like calvin,alvin (okay he is super early)and hong hui. Every time we meet at 830 it eventually became meeting at 9am. This should not be the case. It will hinder the mindsets of those who are early.Usually they will be on time but they will feel that if going out on time to meet the rest, they will end up wasting time waiting for the others so ended up with them leaving a few mins later.

Another thing is that we need to have someone to command discipline the team.
After discussion i will be the one commanding in attack while Edward will be the
One commanding at the back. Other than that we don’t have any more problems already. All we need is more commitment and also exposure we will become a better
Team :)


I'll will review on every player individually.Know each of our good quality and also be aware of our own weakness so we can improve.

I'll start with our keeper, ALVIN (GK)

A very good and highly goalkeeper, a good shot stopper . Especially good at 1 on 1 situations.

A very calm and steady keeper with very good reflexes. Regarded as the best keeper among the others . Always the first person to be chosen when deciding on a goal keeper.

Playing style similar to : Shay given (man city)

Just like shay given, height has never been a problem for them being very good shot stoppers.

Improvement :

1. need to learn how to take a goal keeper.

Despite being a goal keeper for so long the only low point for him is that he can't take a proper long goal kick.

2. Needs to learn how to command his defenders. You are the the goal keeper, so u got a clear view of the whole game so please learn how to command your defenders.

3.Needs to get up faster after making a save, don't waste unnecessary time.


Wee leng (CB)

Weeleng is a very good header of the ball. This is one of the reason why i pick him as a centre back. He is the only few who really dares to head an oncoming ball. His ariel ability is very good, can easily win a ball that is in the air and also very good in attacking headers. Acrobatic moves are also part of his game, don't be suprised to see him doing a spectacular scissors kick. A player who also have very powerful shot and also quite a speedy player.


1. Stamina. A huge weakness is his game is his not so good stamina.Usually tires out easily.

2. Technique. There is definetly lots of space for improvement in this area. He need to improve on his ball control so as he can accomodate it with his fast pace. If he control and dribble the ball with very fast pace he will be a better player. You got the pace but need to learn how to use it with the ball.

3. Needs to learn to shoot the ball with more accuracy.

playing style similar to : Gatuso (ac milan)

No nonsense defender and very versatile player that can slot in anywhere in defend. Similar in their shot power. And never afraid to unlesh that powerfull shot. Very similar in their way in approaching attacking players in their rough and style of gaining back possesion.

next up,

Eugene (CB)

A very big and strong player. A player with very good learning attitudes and always eager to improve on his game. Because of his size, he is a very good shot blocker. He was even nicknamed as 'ironman' because of his hardman and strong physique. Not one to back down from an oncoming shot he will always be the most daring player to block the shot,also very persistent in closing down his opponent.Not someone to easily dribble past also . Very fast player considering his size. He also have a very very powerful shot in him. Basically his style of play is characterised by fierce blocking and hard work.


1. Likewise, eugene u need to improve on ur stamina . Because of this weakness your playing time is always limited.

2. Ball control. Lots of improvement needed here, needs to learn how to tackle, shoot,dribble. basically needs to improve on his basics especially his shooting because eugene have the powerful shot in him, he just needs to really learn how to shoot the ball with the correct technique.

3. Agility.Partly due to his big built he needs to be more agile. As you should know a defender needs to be very agile as he might face awkward positions in tackling the ball. In short, if u are more agile, u can tackle better.

4. Communication. Need to learn to speak up more and communicate with your teammates.
You must learn to ask for pass and also to command your fellow teammates.Sometimes when you are in a good position on goal you need to ask for ball because we can't always spot you when u are unmarked.So in short, SPEAK up!

playing style similar to:

Johnny Evans ( Man utd)

Inexperienced defender with high potentials to be the best defender. Evans is still a player learning his trade from fellow defenders like Vidic, ferdiand. An always improving player who always block crucial shot at the crucial moment.


Gary (RB / winger)

Gary, very fast and tricky player who always explodes on the flank with his overlapping runs.

Very good passer of the ball especially long balls. With his trickery and fast pace he is a very good and versatile player who can play as an attacking winger who can contribute with his assists and also a right back who can tackle and track down fast opponents.known for his runs on the right flank, crosses and vigorous defending, also contributing with a fair share of goals from his position.In short,a player who not only can tackle at the back he can contribute to goals in front.


1. Although very good at his passing he needs to learn the pass the ball at the right time. Meaning he sometimes dribble too much that he neglect his team mates who are at a better position than him.

Playing style similar to: Sergio Ramos ( R.Madrid)

Like Ramos he is a offensive modern type of right back. Acts as an attacking winger with his blistering pace and crossing ability , also very good at covering at the back.

Jian zhong (LB/DM/CM)

The only true left footer in our team. Can fit in at either as a left back or defensive midfielder.
His predominant position is defensive midfielder. He is not an easy player to dribble past. Usually plays deeper in midfield. He will often move forward to win the ball for the forward players and then return to his defensive position. The greatest quality of him is his very determined attitude. He will never back down when faced with much tougher and physical opponents . Although he is a defensive midfielder he is good in holding up the ball when launching an attack. .He is also a player with wide range of passing and also a good shooting power.


Attitude. When commanding your teammates , use a more respectable tone . And also learn to work together with the team and not individually. Must also learn to heed advice given in a more positive manner.

Playing style similar to: Anderson ( man utd)

Just like Anderson they are left footers .Their playing style: always bustling with energy and always possesses an eye for a defence splitting pass. He picks out passes that most players don't see, he can tackle, he's strong and he works hard. The greatest thing about them is of course their mental toughness .

4:44 PM

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hello, HoSweeKakis. This is Frog here. I assume that the blog is dead alr, and i want to do a revival to it.
This post i'm posting is very important to the future of HoSweeKakis Soccer career as we are going to face much tougher and stronger opponents in the future. But firstly we do that, we must know ourselves before we know other opponents.

From the recent match played against the ITE Kakis, we have definitely improved, but i still can see there is more room for improvements. And this post posted is definitely means no intention to bring oneself down.

Discussion have been carried out with the Offence-Zone Captain, Zhao Hong and Kah Wee. And they think that it is quite a need to say this out in order to let you all know.

Let i go, firstly, i will start will the GoalKeeper, Alvin Lim

I can say that Alvin is relatively a Good Keeper. Over the years, he had been through countless matches and initially make him a better keeper then before because he had gain priceless experiences from the match he attended. The most admirable part of Alvin is when he is very serious with the game and concentrate with it, making amazing saves, not only the audience are shock, it also impress our own players.

Things that can be improved:

  1. Fitness: Alvin, we advice you that dont eat too much. A goalkeeper must be as fit as a player, and dont ever have the thought that a GK can relax throughout the game, a GK also have the same responsibilities as a Striker. Like a striker, scoring goal and a Gk, saving goals.

  2. Temper Control: Try to maintain your cool. When losing your cool, it is similar to losing your concentration. Think positive and dont lose it easily.

  3. Technical : Have to know how to deliver a long and penetrating goal kick. And when got the ball, don't look to the ground. See where is your players and then make it work. Command your defender as you have the whole view of the on-going game. Your sight is very important to the whole entire game.

Secondly, Our first CB, WeeLeng.

I can say that WeeLeng is a relative fast learning soccer player, due to the many years of interacting with sports like badminton and basketball, he have not been playing socccer consistently and i'm not surprised. WeeLeng should feel blessed that he got a talent in sports. During play, WeeLeng is seriously quite accurate with headers, have the ability to head the ball and delivered it into the net. A fast player too.

Things that can be improved:

  1. Stamina: WeeLeng, we advise you not to smoke too much and train on your stamina. With more stamina, i think you can become a very good player.

  2. Technical: Try to work on your dribbling skills, don't try to do fanciful tricks, simple play is good enough already. And accurate shooting, you are a semi-offensive player, you got the power but no accuracy. Train on that.

Thirdly, Big CB, Eugene.

The Largest Guy in HoSweeKakis, largest doesn't means that he is clumsiest. Truly a man with huge amount patience and a man who does not yell back and a man who listens and improves. Eugene never stops himself from learning more things and he is only the one who accepts constructive critics about the way he should perform. Overall, We need these type of players!

Things that can be improved:

  1. Technical: Again, Eugene's problem is that he got the power to shoot, but lack of accuracy. Eugene, you got the size, but you somehow you dont know how to use it at times. Soccer is competitive and physical is a need for defender.

  2. Communication: Eugene, you are too quiet. We need players that can communicate with other defenders so that we can move as a defence zone and defend like the great wall of china.

Fourthly, the RB, Gary.

Cheeky but knows what he's doing. Although sometimes is a little out of hand, he always does his job and satisfied our players. I can say you are young rising Park, because you are relatively good at long runs and deliver long passes accurately, that the part where i admired the most. A man of loyalty, great demostration of a true team player, not selfish of scoring goals. Overall, you are quite a fun player to have in the team, and technically, you are well enough.

Things that can be improved:

  1. Attitude: Try to maintain a cool attitude of yours, without a cool attitude, things like fights or arguments may bound to happened in the field. Dont be a fool, so just stay cool.

  2. Playfulness: Dont ever do fanciful dribbles in front of your defence zone because it is very dangerous that you will let the GK in trouble. Dont run too much, it's a team game and it's crucial to pass the ball at the right time.

Fifthly, we have Defensive Midfielder, JianZhong.

The oldest player in our team. Due to his many years in serving in the NPCC, JianZhong possessed a lot of leadership qualities. A true left footer in the team, dont ever let him have a chance to dribble down the left flank as he is deadly at dead angle. He got a never say die attitude, he chase and prey on those who dribble pass him and contributes significantly to the offence zone.

Things that can be improved:

  1. Touch: You got skills for defending but something i think you need to practice on your touches on the ball, if you are able to bring the ball forward to play and into the net, that will be best for you. I suggest that you try to shoot more. You've got a powerful left foot, why do use it? And try to train crossing from now onwards.
  2. Level of Demand: I know that you are a perfectionist, but sometimes when things doesn't get right or the way that you wanted to, you start demanding to the others to play better. I know you want this because you want the team to be better, but soccer is a team sport and it's requires teamwork. I suggest that by encouraging another will be better.
  3. Temper: You dont have a very big temper like Gary, but sometime on the field, i observe that you have a certain temper towards JianSheng. But recently, i saw your temper control is better already. Keep it up.

Sixthly, We got our Wee Kiat, Midfielder.

Tidy Footwork that can fool opponents and make magnificent ankle breakers. The only player that can use both legs to shoot. One of the good, tip top dribblers in our team, when everytime he dribbles, everybody in the team is looking forward on whether how is he going to pass an opponent. Truly, a person that know how to bring soccer to a higher level by introducing tidy footwork.

The rest i will do it later. I need time for observation.

10:50 AM

Monday, July 6, 2009


I cant rmb the date alr, i think it's friday. But nvm. Intially Hong hui, Zhao Hong and Wee Kiat was playing pool @ Mt faber Safra.
And guess what the pool game was $24++.. it like super expensive but it's a 'never mind' thing for them because they really enjoy it.
After that, we will to Vivo City to pre-order our tickets.
After that, we went to the SkyPark to enjoy the breeze and chit chat about the previous soccer game.
Here are the crazy stuff we do..

FROG. (:

11:48 PM

Friday, May 8, 2009


Mid exams are ending soon right? Mine is ending this coming wednesday..
Jian zhong is gonna book a soccer pitch at his sch,
the pitch is just like purmei and its totally freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Will be booking the place for next sunday 17/5.Please try to make it yea!
Been ages since we all met all together for soccer!
Reply on the tagboard..


1:49 PM